
Welcome to the archive that accompanies the physical CD and downloads for Pomona Itinerations.

Below is the film I made with Huw Wahl to illuminate some of the processes involved with making the pieces.

If you are interested to read the academic commentary and background to the pieces and the companion work 7/11/M60/7 please see https://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/35771/1/BIRCHALL%20-%20THESIS.pdf

I made a piece that is paralell to this work with using the tunnel at 7/11/M60/7 it came out on as Murky Sovereignty https://www.cafeoto.co.uk/shop/otto-willberg-david-birchall-murky-sovereignty/

Below are photos taken on the the itinerations made to the site during the recordings.